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I forgot to include this picture in the last posting. This is from when we were at Bukara on my first night in Delhi. Not only was it considered the Best Indian Restaurant in the world for 2004 but it also has the largest Nann in Delhi!

For St Patty's Day we had to go somewhere Irish so we could get green beer!! Dublin's is in the same hotel as Bukara and has very similar prices!!

Hassan getting his facial!! The salons are pretty cheap over here. I got a manicure and a pedicure for about $12 including tip and everything. I don't think they do as good of job as in the US but pretty close.

Above is a Subway menu! They just opened one up by the Taj so it is nice to be able to stop by and grab on the way home - it is even close enough to walk to if we needed to!

Caught this pretty sunset one night as we were leaving work!

Top notch security at Hewitt!

Some of the 3.x associates I trained at the end of my last stay. Hassan was leaving at the end of the week so he arranged a party for all of them and the SMEs.

3.x SCAs in a more relaxed environment!

Dancing at Crave!
All the SMEs this time around are great - I've become good friends with them all ready and it has only been 2 weeks!

Courtney and Dan

Farzeen and Eric

Me and Mirjana

Pete, Riz, and Mirjana

Jason, Kaumudi, and Kartik

The bartender at Crave!

Group photo at the end of the night!!

I forgot to include this picture in the last posting. This is from when we were at Bukara on my first night in Delhi. Not only was it considered the Best Indian Restaurant in the world for 2004 but it also has the largest Nann in Delhi!

For St Patty's Day we had to go somewhere Irish so we could get green beer!! Dublin's is in the same hotel as Bukara and has very similar prices!!

Hassan getting his facial!! The salons are pretty cheap over here. I got a manicure and a pedicure for about $12 including tip and everything. I don't think they do as good of job as in the US but pretty close.

Above is a Subway menu! They just opened one up by the Taj so it is nice to be able to stop by and grab on the way home - it is even close enough to walk to if we needed to!

Caught this pretty sunset one night as we were leaving work!

Top notch security at Hewitt!

Some of the 3.x associates I trained at the end of my last stay. Hassan was leaving at the end of the week so he arranged a party for all of them and the SMEs.

3.x SCAs in a more relaxed environment!

Dancing at Crave!
All the SMEs this time around are great - I've become good friends with them all ready and it has only been 2 weeks!

Courtney and Dan

Farzeen and Eric

Me and Mirjana

Pete, Riz, and Mirjana

Jason, Kaumudi, and Kartik

The bartender at Crave!

Group photo at the end of the night!!
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