March 25th - 26th - Mumbai

If you look at my posting from last October you will see a lot of similar places. I did about the same exact things this time as last. Above is Gateway of India.

We stayed at the Taj Mahal Hotel - not in the part above again but in the Towers. Not nearly as nice but still a great view of the Arabian Sea and the Gateway of India.

We didn't spend very much time at the Gateway of India because there are so many people bugging you. There were these religious type guys that wanted to give you some white sugar type thing and wrap string around your arm - and then charge you rupees 100 - 200 for it and then there was the girl above. She would give you this bracelet of Jasmine and say no charge and then look at you all sad, cute, and pathetic until you gave her money. The bracelet's looked really nice on Pete - but she was having trouble getting it around his arm.

The balloon guys again! They weren't as annoying this time around but still got in your way all over the place!

Shopping on Colaba Causeway. This one shop on the right was interesting - it sold old musical instruments, ship wheels, watches, and clocks.

My favorite place - Leopold's Cafe and Bar! Like last time - we went three times - and this time we were only in Mumbai for ~36 hrs!

Before we had gone into Leopold's for the second time this guy was bugging us to buy a drum. Dan really wanted one but we told him to wait until we came out - 'the guy will find us' we said to him. After a little over an hour inside we forgot about the drums and excited the side of the restaurant - the guy came running down the side street after us! After much bargaining Dan was happy to have a drum!

Guy walking down the street with boxes on his head! Not something you see every day!

View from Chowpatty Beach - last time we didn't go onto the beach - this time we did!

We were taking pictures and these kids started posing for us so we'd take their picture. That is one thing I found to happen a lot in India - we'll be taking pictures of ourselves or other things and there are kids trying to get in our pictures.

Cute little boy on the beach.

The group on Chowpatty Beach. Vicki, Cheddi, me, Jason, Dave, and Dan

Group at Indigo - this was a great restaurant that I had tried to go to last time but it wasn't open. The food was amazing and we had nice seats out on a terrace. Pete, Dave, Vicki, Dan, Jason, me, and Cheddi.

We even had our own custom menus - note the 'Ms. Angela & Friends' - I felt so special.

Nightclub in the Taj Mahal Hotel - Insomnia - it was packed!!

Sunset at the Bandstand in Bandra.

Me and the sunset at Bandra!

Other people watching the sunset - this park called the Bandstand was packed with people walking up and down the walkway and people just sitting around and visiting.

Final view of sunset.

If you look at my posting from last October you will see a lot of similar places. I did about the same exact things this time as last. Above is Gateway of India.

We stayed at the Taj Mahal Hotel - not in the part above again but in the Towers. Not nearly as nice but still a great view of the Arabian Sea and the Gateway of India.

We didn't spend very much time at the Gateway of India because there are so many people bugging you. There were these religious type guys that wanted to give you some white sugar type thing and wrap string around your arm - and then charge you rupees 100 - 200 for it and then there was the girl above. She would give you this bracelet of Jasmine and say no charge and then look at you all sad, cute, and pathetic until you gave her money. The bracelet's looked really nice on Pete - but she was having trouble getting it around his arm.

The balloon guys again! They weren't as annoying this time around but still got in your way all over the place!

Shopping on Colaba Causeway. This one shop on the right was interesting - it sold old musical instruments, ship wheels, watches, and clocks.

My favorite place - Leopold's Cafe and Bar! Like last time - we went three times - and this time we were only in Mumbai for ~36 hrs!

Before we had gone into Leopold's for the second time this guy was bugging us to buy a drum. Dan really wanted one but we told him to wait until we came out - 'the guy will find us' we said to him. After a little over an hour inside we forgot about the drums and excited the side of the restaurant - the guy came running down the side street after us! After much bargaining Dan was happy to have a drum!

Guy walking down the street with boxes on his head! Not something you see every day!

View from Chowpatty Beach - last time we didn't go onto the beach - this time we did!

We were taking pictures and these kids started posing for us so we'd take their picture. That is one thing I found to happen a lot in India - we'll be taking pictures of ourselves or other things and there are kids trying to get in our pictures.

Cute little boy on the beach.

The group on Chowpatty Beach. Vicki, Cheddi, me, Jason, Dave, and Dan

Group at Indigo - this was a great restaurant that I had tried to go to last time but it wasn't open. The food was amazing and we had nice seats out on a terrace. Pete, Dave, Vicki, Dan, Jason, me, and Cheddi.

We even had our own custom menus - note the 'Ms. Angela & Friends' - I felt so special.

Nightclub in the Taj Mahal Hotel - Insomnia - it was packed!!

Sunset at the Bandstand in Bandra.

Me and the sunset at Bandra!

Other people watching the sunset - this park called the Bandstand was packed with people walking up and down the walkway and people just sitting around and visiting.

Final view of sunset.